
Ovie Mordi


I would like to introduce myself… again

Yes… again

“Have we met before?” you ask

Oh yes we have on so many times and occasions

Each carefully orchestrated and sequenced to bring you to a point of complete realization.

Even though you adduce those meetings to happenstance and random manifestations

But I assure you in all truthfulness that every step I have ever taken towards you,

Every time my hands touched you,

Every word my lips have uttered to you

Where in all judicial deliberateness and after careful contemplation

I wonder how you never seem to recognize me. I am even more bewildered that you so easily confuse me for what I’m not.

Yes! You confuse me for the tall dark and handsome guy who for your sake, seems willing to spend and be spent, giving you from the abundance of his poverty mistaken for wealth, any and every material thing that your heart lusts after.

You confuse me for the lady who says

“I can’t bear to lose you…”

And so richly and freely gives you ephemeral pleasures in those fleeting moments when NEPA1 says… “lights out!”

Hello??? That’s not me? I’m not even close to that!

I am the one who gives you, expecting nothing in return.

I am the one who is mindful and careful about you even when you care less about yourself.

I am the one who would tell you the truth you don’t want to hear, at the risk of being misunderstood and mistaken for being insensitive and unfeeling.

Come on! I am the one who rather than feign ignorance or give superficial treatment would open your festering wounds infected by the germs of low self esteem, bitterness and un-forgiveness and apply, my balm that heals and ointment that sooths

Though I grieve deeply when your soul wrenching screams fill my ears because of the pain that sometimes come with the healing process.

But knowing that your pain in those moments works for you a greater and more and exceeding weight of joy, I do what needs to be done.

Still trying to figure who I am?

I am your daddy. Yes that same daddy you spurn and despise, interpreting as possessiveness and control, my compulsive disposition to shield and protect you from the many hurts the world has to offer.

Though far away from my presence you have strayed, indulging in indulgencies your heart craftily conceives. Yet after you I run, seeing how bankruptcy lurks ahead, and how the pig style beckons to you on the path you have blindly chosen for yourself.

I am the one who motivated by love in its purest form and  the task that was set ahead, practiced with nails and hammers as a carpenter’s son, for the time when my hands and feet would be stretched out on a rugged wooden stake for rusty nails to pierce through them for the propitiation of your sins.

I am your Christ…

I am your God…

And if you will allow me, I will be to you

Jehovah El Romantique…

The one that takes your breath away…

For I am…your Love.


1. National Electric Power Authority: Now Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN), responsible for power generation and distribution in Nigeria. It was  known for its incompetence and inconsistency.





About oviemordi

Me? I am just a guy who is so so loved by God and knows it. I swim in the shoreless ocean of HIS love everyday and give expression to that love by scribbling away on my pen (actually i type on my keyboard most times). Writing constitutes an act of worship for me and i do it with such glee! It is my hope that a soul or two would read my writes and by them, see, know and understand how so loved they are.
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  1. silvanthato says:

    Oh wow! Love! Love it! REBLOG!!

  2. silvanthato says:

    Reblogged this on A-Scribe To Describe and commented:
    I could not have written anything better.

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